Application Submission
1. All applications for the competitive examination must be made online through the Commission‘s website
2. Online applications must be made on or before the closing date as advertised by the Commission.
3. Printed copy of duly filled online application form (i.e. hardcopy) may be obtained and after signing it, copies of all documents and certificates as mentioned in application form alongwith original treasury receipt may be attached with it and dispatched to the Secretary of the Commission, so as to reach the Commission‘s headquarters within ten days of the closing date.
4. An online application received incomplete, wrongly filled in or its hardcopy not accompanied with any one of the documents mentioned in the application form, shall be rejected.
5. Hardcopy of the online application, if reached to the Commission after the stipulated period of ten days from the closing date, it shall not be accepted and online form already submitted to the Commission shall stand rejected.
6. Any correction in the printed hard copy of online form may be made by hand and initialled before dispatch or submission to the Commission, whereafter no request for change in any entry of online application or its hard copy shall be accepted.
7. No plea that hardcopy of online application form or any document attached therewith has been lost or delayed in the post shall be entertained.
8. The candidate shall have to pay or deposit two hundred and fifty Rupees in the Commission‘s head of account as fine, if hard copy of online application is received without signature, subject to no other deficiency in application or attached documents, otherwise his application shall stand rejected.
9. Hardcopy of the online application must be dispatched in a separate envelope. Two or more applications in one envelope shall not be acceptable.
10. Candidate shall pay two thousand two hundred Rupees, or such other fee as the Commission may determine from time to time, as application fee for competitive examination as per procedure prescribed in Appendix-II and deposited in the nearest Government‘s treasury or in State Bank or National Bank of Pakistan under the head of account ―C02101-Organs of State Exam Fee (FPSC Receipt). Cash, postal orders, bank drafts and cheques shall not be accepted by the Commission.
11. Original treasury receipt for written examination must be attached with the application form to be deposited to the Commission. Without providing original treasury receipt, the application of the candidate shall be rejected.
12. Subjects for the competitive examination shall comprise compulsory papers of 600 marks and optional papers of 600 marks
13. Optional subjects must be selected carefully, as wrong selection of subjects shall lead to rejection of candidature.
14. Combination of optional subjects once chosen before closing date for submission of online application or corrected in hard copy of online application shall be treated as final and no request for change in subjects shall be allowed thereafter.
15. A candidate who misses any compulsory or optional subject of written examination for medical or any other reasons shall neither be allowed to appear in the remaining subjects nor separate examination for re-appearing in that missed paper shall be allowed.
16. No candidate shall be eligible to avail more than three chances of the competitive examination within prescribed age-limits.
Explanation.- A candidate shall be deemed to have attempted the examination and his chance stand consumed, if he actually appeared in any one or more papers of the competitive examination and even if he tendered blank answer book or sheet and even if rejected subsequently.
17. A candidate who conceals the number of previous attempts, shall be liable to prosecution leading to his disqualification under these rules.
18. No candidate shall be admitted to the examination hall who does not hold original Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) and admission certificate generated or downloaded from the Commission’s website i.e. as admission certificate shall not be sent through post.
19. A candidate who arrives at examination hall or centre late, than the time mentioned in admission certificate and date sheet, he shall not be allowed to sit in the examination.
20. Candidates shall be admitted to the examination provisionally at their own risk subject to their being found eligible in all respects. On detailed scrutiny of the applications after the announcement of result of the written examination, if any candidate is found ineligible in any respect under these rules his candidature shall be cancelled and rejected regardless of the fact whether he has appeared in the examination or qualified therein.
21. To avoid inconvenience, candidates shall ensure before appearing at the examination that they fulfill all requirements of the rules, relating to the examination.